Student Travel Fund

The Canadian Physiological Society Guidelines for the Student Travel Fund

Updated October 22, 2021

Established in 1988 from donations of the Regular Members of the Society, the purpose of the fund is to provide travel assistance to student members of the Society when they are presenting a communication at meetings of the Society.


  1. The applicant must be a student member of the society before January 1st, of the calendar year of the abstract submission to be eligible for CPS Student Travel Awards.
  2. The applicant must be the presenting author of a communication.
  3. One co author should be a non student (Regular) member of the Society.
  4. The distance of travel must be greater than 100 kilometers round trip.

Award and Number of Awards

  1. The capital of the travel fund will not be reduced below $12,000.
  2. Awards will be pro rated to distance of travel and will provide partial reimbursement of expenses.
  3. Notice of these guidelines and an application section will be included in the call for abstracts for the meeting.
  4. In the event that there are more qualified applicants than money available they will be awarded in order of date of postmark or E-mail of the application, registration fees and abstract to the Society. There may be a limit on the number of awards in any one year.
  5. Cheques will be issued by the Treasurer following the meeting.

Application for Awards

Application for awards are made at at the time of submission of the abstract for a meeting of the Society.

Additional information can be obtained from:
Dr. Catherine Chan
Treasurer, Canadian Physiological Society (CPS)
e-mail: [email protected]